Red Team Services

Want to know if your systems can withstand the most advanced threats? It's time to test with Advanced Threat Emulation. MPG's Red Team services simulate real-world, offensive attacks, aligning multiple pen testers to identify critical defensive gaps in your application or network. Through this process, vulnerabilities are exposed, and our Red Team provides a detailed report with recommendations for remediation. These advanced emulation techniques are trusted by the best to ensure long-term data security against evolving threats.

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Red Teaming and Blue Teaming Services

How can Red Teaming strengthen your organization's cybersecurity posture?

Red Teaming is the act of using threat emulation to create and execute an offensive attack on a network, system, or IT environment in order to identify critical real-world defensive gaps that will eventually be exploited by a real-world attacker. These teams, comprised of multiple pen testers, coordinate their efforts using active and passive pen testing tactics to uncover vulnerabilities. This offensive approach mirrors the actions of highly sophisticated bad actors, who leverage system knowledge to exploit weaknesses. Once a Red Team completes their engagement, they report their findings and provide recommendations to remediate any issues they uncovered.

Red Teaming services benefits

MPG's Red Teams use active and passive pen testing tactics to find more vulnerabilities so you can fix them.

Expose unknown defense gaps

Sophisticated and well-planned Red Team engagements often identify vulnerabilities and gaps in technology and defenses that a standard penetration test or vulnerability scan often misses.


Prepare defense teams

A strong Red Team cyber-attack is the best way to prepare defense teams for the types of tactics real attackers will use. Utilize our Blue Team training to help prepare your personnel to avoid, deter, and respond to attacks.


Stop loss events

Well-prepared teams and heightened security posture reduce the likelihood and risk of loss events, and overall reduces risk to the organization.

Find and remediate security vulnerabilities

Make MPG your trusted pen testing experts

  • Every Red Team engagement benefits from our extensive experience building customer security infrastructure, process, and technology.
  • Our attack simulations use advanced real-world threat actor techniques we learn from real-world attacks in our customer environments.
  • As they say, the best offense is a good defense. We work with your defensive teams so that they learn and adjust defensive tactics based on real-world attacks of today and tomorrow.
Security remediation experts
Red Teaming engagement features overview

Red Team features

Protect shield Icon blue

Real-world tactics

Your attackers are tireless and relentless. They constantly evolve their tactics to elude defenses. We tap into those tactics in every one of our engagements.
Transform Icon Blue

Feedback loops

Cybersecurity processes need to be continuously improved based on current tactics.
Metrics Icon Blue

Exhaustive reporting

Every Red Teaming engagement comes with a full report detailing our findings and contains recommendations for improvement.

Resources from our team

Learn more about our protection services.

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